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Children’s Church


For us Children’s Church is the most important time of the week. Just as in the adult area, we believe that the Children’s Church hour is the time when relationships are built and life changing discipleship happens. Children meet together for their own worship and lessons at 10 am. Music, crafts, videos and Bible stories are integrated into our curriculum. On the first Sunday of the month, we join the adults in taking communion in the sanctuary. The love of giving and sharing is instilled in the children and they participate in mission projects during the year.

Kids Club (will resume when Covid-19 restrictions end)


We offer a Kids Club from September to June, on the last Saturday of the month from 10 am to 2 pm. We use the same type of curriculum as Children’s Church, but when the weather is nice we also plan outside activities. We have a beautiful fenced in playground for the children to use. Lunch is provided at our Community Café, which integrates the children with our senior citizens, which is enjoyed by all.

Vacation Bible School


At the end of July we have a themed Vacation Bible week running from 5 to 8pm, which includes a meal. There is music, crafts, storytelling and outside activities. This event is open to all in the community. The theme this year was “To Mars and Beyond.”


Young Adults

Bible Study

Young Adult

Join us every other Thursday night to talk between friends about the Bible; the history behind the many stories, the intricate characters that roam its pages, and the story of God's love that shine through its words.


Young Adult Bible Study 


Every Other Thursday at 7 pm


Check Events for exact Dates & Times.

Curiously nicknamed YABS, the Young Adult Bible Study is a time of reflection, discussion, prayer, and learning through the Bible and the word of God. Guided by Charlton's City UMC's Pastor John, young adults from age 17 to 35 get together every Thursday to share joys, understandings, and doubts about the Bible, and being a Christian in the world. As young adults in the church,  it is essential to keep learning in more depth the same stories that we heard as children, as we share stories and laughter while drinking some hot tea on a Thursday night as a break from the hectic life that some have. Join us for a night between friends to talk about the Bible; the history behind the many stories, the intricate characters that roam its pages, and the story of God's love that shine through its words.

Two Dried Leaves

United Women of Faith shall be a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive
fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.


United Women of Faith

Faith, Hope, and Love In Action.

We nurture and encourage one another in our spiritual growth, personal leadership and transformation. It is our desire to help you find a place to study the Word of God and equip you to use the gifts that God has given to impact your world for Christ. We also sponsor local and global mission work through our time, energy and financial support. We meet once a month and have our annual famous Apple pie baking, Christmas Fair, Pickling, Strawberry Festival Supper and much more.
Women’s Ministry is a dynamic ministry designed to provide opportunities for women to grow spiritually through strengthening their relationships with God and other women. You are welcome to join any time and see if God might be calling you to be a part of the Women’s Ministry Team. For more information contact Marion Sergel.
Welcome to United Methodist Women’s Ministry. We encourage you to engage and serve in a ministry and join us at our special events. We are so excited you came to check us out and we are looking forward to meeting you!

Mountain Fog
 “Behold, how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” Psalms 133:1

Men's Fellowship

Men's Fellowship is a group of men of all ages gathering together during the months of September, October, November, March, April, and May, to prepare and serve delicious dinners for our church and the community. This is a fund raising opportunity for the men to be in ministry to help those in need, whether it is making Thanksgiving baskets, giving money for fuel assistance, helping widows to maintain their property, helping people who come to our church for assistance or helping children go to summer camp. They represent the disciples that Jesus asked us to be when he said, “I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me.” Matthew 25: 35-36.


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